Converting domestic baristas


Converting domestic baristas


Campos Coffee, one of Australia’s leading speciality coffee brands, had an existing ecommerce solution that had a conversion problem. While conversion rates on desktop were reasonable, mobile had a significant drop off rate. To understand the problem we conducted an expert review of the existing solution, Google Analytics analysis and a review of session replays from real users via Fullstory. Equipped with insights we set about improving the customer experience.

After relaunching, overall conv. rate improved by 46% on the previous year

Mobile conv. rate improved by 85%

Due to small screens representing the largest drop-off, we designed mobile-first. We focused on conversion over content. Ensuring large tappable call to actions came before large paragraphs of text.

Our focus was on optimising the e-commerce experience, which sat within a larger site. So rather than work in a vacuum, our enhancements needed to integrate with the rest of the website. To achieve this, we created a design system that documented key user interface styles. Creating consistency while designing and developing.

Although it's clear from the analytics, we have definitely achieved the intended project goals with mobile conversion up 85%, and overall sales up 46%, we will continue to work with Campos on learning and refining, ongoing.